Spine Health
Spinal Curvatures
The human spine has natural curvatures. When you look at a back from behind, the spine should be straight and centered over the pelvis. However, when you look at the spine from the side, the curves are designed to maintain balance as the spine is behind organs in the chest and abdomen. The spine has two alternating curves to create an “S” like shape. In the neck and low back there is normally an inward curvature or sway back known as lordosis. In the thoracic spine and sacrum there is an outward curvature known has kyphosis or hunchback. These curves normally balance out each other so that when the patient stands they are well balanced with their head straight above their hips when viewed from the side. Standing in this position minimizes the effect of gravity and allows the patient to stand with the best posture and use the least energy when moving or walking.

The spine is made of a column of bones. A round bone called a vertebral body forms each bone. The body is located in the front of the spine. A bony ring attaches to the back of the vertebral body, forming a canal for the spinal cord and nerves. This bony ring is formed by two sets of bones. One set called the pedicle bone attaches to the back of each vertebral body to the side, transverse processes. Processes are outgrowths of bone and then subsequently named for where the outgrowth occurs. A lamina (Latin for plate) bone connects to the other end of the pedicle, one on the left and one on the right to connect the transverse process with the spinous process. The spinous process is your 'back bone'. Each vertebral segment creates a bony circle, called the spinal canal or vertebral foramen, that protects the spinal cord and spinal nerves.

The lamina bones form a protective roof over the back of the spinal cord. When the vertebra bones are stacked on top of each other, the canal forms a long tube that surrounds and protects the spinal cord as it passes through the spine.

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