Decubitus Ulcers
Pressure ulcers, also sometimes known as bedsores or pressure sores, are a type of injury that affects areas of the skin and underlying tissue. They are caused when the affected area of skin is placed under too much pressure.

Pressure ulcers can range in severity from patches of discoloured skin to open wounds that expose the underlying bone or muscle.

Pressure ulcers develop when a large amount of pressure is applied to an area of skin over a short period of time. Or, they can occur when less force is applied but over a longer period of time.

The extra pressure disrupts the flow of blood through the skin. Without a blood supply, the affected area of skin becomes starved of oxygen and nutrients. It begins to break down, leading to the formation of an ulcer.

Healthy people do not get pressure ulcers because they are continuously and subconsciously adjusting their posture and position so that no part of their body is subjected to excessive pressure.

However, people with health conditions that make it difficult for them to move their body often develop pressure ulcers. In addition, conditions that can affect the flow of blood through the body, such as type 2 diabetes can make a person more vulnerable to pressure ulcers.

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